Sunday 3 March 2019

Java - String equalsIgnoreCase() Method

Java - String equalsIgnoreCase() Method


This method compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations. Two strings are considered equal ignoring case, if they are of the same length, and corresponding characters in the two strings are equal ignoring case.


Here is the syntax of this method −
public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)


Here is the detail of parameters −
  • anotherString − the String to compare this String against.

Return Value

  • This method returns true if the argument is not null and the Strings are equal, ignoring case; false otherwise.


public class Test {

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      String Str1 = new String("This is really not immutable!!");
      String Str2 = Str1;
      String Str3 = new String("This is really not immutable!!");
      String Str4 = new String("This IS REALLY NOT IMMUTABLE!!");
      boolean retVal;

      retVal = Str1.equals( Str2 );
      System.out.println("Returned Value = " + retVal );

      retVal = Str1.equals( Str3 );
      System.out.println("Returned Value = " + retVal );

      retVal = Str1.equalsIgnoreCase( Str4 );
      System.out.println("Returned Value = " + retVal );
This will produce the following result −


Returned Value = true
Returned Value = true
Returned Value = true

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