
Nginx Introduction

Nginx is an open source HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as load balancer, and HTTP cache. The nginx  focus on high concurrency, high performance and low memory usage for projects which runs using nginx  . It runs on Linux, BSD variants, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Microsoft Windows .

Nginx can be used as a replacement for other HTTP servers like Apache, Tomcat ,IIS , IBM Web sphere.

Nginx installation and configurations


Nginx installation

In this post , we will help you install nginx server on windows and linux based systems .
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Nginx Configuration Guide

In this post, we will cover most  of  Nginx Configurations . You will get to know  the Nginx configuration file syntax and directives and  the base modules, which allow to define the basic parameters and configuration of Nginx. These are built-in into Nginx automatically during compile time.
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Load balancing with Nginx

In this lesson, we will cover how to perform Load balancing with Nginx. Load balancing is a  method of distributing loads to another servers in case if multiple requests overloaded the server.
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How To Configure Nginx as a Web Server and Reverse Proxy

In this post , we  will show you how to configure Nginx as both a web server and as a reverse proxy. Proxying is used to distribute the load among several servers or pass requests for processing to application servers over protocols other than HTTP.

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How To Serve Static Content through nginx with nginx cache

In this post , we will show you how to Serve Static Content through nginx with nginx cache. NGINX is a powerful tool for static content delivery (eg. images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.). It proposes a simple mechanism for caching on a client’s side allowing to reduce server load and increase content delivery speed.

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 How to uninstall nginx from centos / ubuntu

In this post , we will show you how to uninstall nginx from centos/ubuntu..

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